New Member Resources

New Member Brochure
Do you want a quick and easy guide of the basics to joining a cooperative?
Here it is!

Online Account Portal
Paying your electric bill is easier than ever! Create an account on our Member Portal to pay your bill, monitor your usage and view an electronic copy of your statement.

Energy Savings
Being energy efficient doesn’t have to break the bank. Learn how you can save money and save energy with our 101 Ways to Save guide and other resources.

Billing Options
Choose which billing option is right for you. Learn about traditional, PrePay, budget and levelized billing. These special programs make the payment process fit your needs.

Bill Payment Options
Carroll EMC offers several ways to pay your monthly electric bill. You can pay in-person, by mail or night-deposit as well as online, at our PaySite™ kiosks or over the phone.

Capital Credits
Capital credits represent each Member’s share of Carroll EMC’s margins, or operating income. After all operating expenses have been paid, the remaining funds are returned to our Members.

Storm Preparedness
Carroll EMC works year-round to be prepared to respond quickly when severe weather affects the flow of power to you. Learn how you can prepare for a power outage.

Electrical Safety
When it comes to the electrical sources inside and outside of your home, make safety your first priority. Be careful around electricity distribution equipment and service personnel.

Community Involvement
Carroll EMC is dedicated to improving the quality of life for people in western Georgia. We do this by providing affordable electric service and investing in local communities.