Electric Vehicles

Is an Electric Vehicle Right For You?

Drive Free For A Year
The Drive Free for a Year program is an incentive to take that extra step in becoming more environmentally friendly. Carroll EMC Members who choose to purchase a 100% electric vehicle (EV) are eligible to drive free for the first year of ownership.
Qualified Members who lease or purchase a new plug-in 100% EV could qualify for a monthly credit of $30 on their power bill to cover the cost of charging the EV for one year.
How Do I Sign Up?
To sign up for the Drive Free for a Year Program, click the link below. Once your application has been reviewed, a Member Services EV expert will reach out to you. Please note, this application must be completed within 45 days of purchase/lease of your 100% electric vehicle.
Home Charger Rebate
Carroll EMC Members who enroll in the Drive Free for a Year program, or who currently own an EV, are also eligible for a one-time reimbursement if they install a home charger at their place of residence. Saving money now as well as long-term is just another perk of owning an EV.
Qualified Members who install a new Level 2 NRTL/UL approved electric vehicle charging station could qualify for a one-time rebate of $250.00.
How Do I Sign Up?
To apply for a one-time home charger rebate of $250, click the link below. Once your application has been received and processed, a Carroll EMC representative will schedule an installation inspection. After the installation inspection has been completed and approved, please allow 10 business days to receive your $250 reimbursement. Please note, this application must be completed within 45 days of purchase of the Level 2 home charging station. Must be NRTL/UL listed and cannot be a portable charger.

Ask A Question
Do you have a question about the Drive Free for a Year program or the Home Charger Rebate? Contact ev@carrollemc.com or 770-832-3552, and a Member Services EV expert will be glad to speak with you.