Members and guests of Carroll EMC will notice a new piece of eye candy when visiting the headquarters along Highway 113 in Carrollton. An 18-foot solar flower stands tall at the office entrance generating clean electricity for the cooperative’s administration building.
The Smartflower, commonly referred to as a solar flower, is an elegant structure that utilizes advanced solar technology to capture sunlight from all angles, ensuring maximum energy production throughout the day. Each morning, the flower blooms and tracks the sun from east to west. In the evening, it folds its panels and stows away for the night.
With a 2.5-kilowatt system, the Smartflower produces approximately one fourth of the energy needed to power the average household on a hot summer day and produces 40% more energy annually than the normal rooftop solar system. It is currently powering 1.5% of the cooperative’s administration building while also serving as an educational tool for Members and the public about renewables and other parts of the generation mix including nuclear, natural gas, hydro and others.
“The installation of a Smartflower is a visual reminder of Carroll EMC’s commitment to renewable energy,” said James Layton, Vice President of Engineering and Technology for Carroll EMC. “Renewables are an important part of our future and one piece of the larger generation puzzle in providing sustainable power for our Members.”
The cooperative welcomes guests to visit the Smartflower and admire the innovative technology from dawn until dusk. For guided presentations, schools and organizations are encouraged to contact Carroll EMC at (770) 832-3552. If Members are considering rooftop solar, they are also encouraged to reach out to the cooperative or visit