NOTICE: Please note, electric service will not be extended until this form is completed, signed and submitted. This form is binding on and enforceable against subsequent owners of the property. I understand that GA811 is not responsible for marking private underground facilities.
I, the undersigned owner of the property, certify that I will mark the exact locations of all below grade facilities including, but not limited to, customer owned gas, water lines, sewer lines, private electrical, sprinkler systems, septic tanks and/or lines. I also assume all liability for damage to facilities not properly marked or identified.
The marking of such facilities shall be with paint, flags, ribbon, or wooden stakes and shall be maintained by myself. All marking shall be visually evident at the time that Carroll EMC or its contractors begin work and must stay evident throughout the course of the project and connection of the permanent meter. To the extent such below grade facilities are not accurately and adequately marked, I agree to indemnify and hold harmless Carroll EMC and its agents and contractors for any damages to, or arising from, such improperly marked facilities.
I agree to indemnify and hold harmless Carroll EMC and its agents and contractors from any damage to driveways or other property including, but not limited to, lawns, flower beds, sod, grasses, trees, landscaping materials, and plants, incurred during the ingress and egress by trucks and equipment for the purpose of installation and/or maintenance of electrical lines, cables, or other Carroll EMC facilities.
If, in the sole opinion of Carroll EMC, excessive rock is encountered during the installation of Carroll EMC facilities, the owner shall be responsible for the removal of said excessive rock.
I certify that I, the undersigned, am the owner of the property listed below and agree to the foregoing conditions of service.