Carroll EMC Foundation
Concern for Community
Since its formation in 1936, Carroll EMC has demonstrated its dedication to improving the quality of life for people in western Georgia. The Cooperative does this by not only providing affordable electric service to Member-owners, but also by investing in the communities where you live and work.
The Carroll EMC Foundation is a non-profit, 501c3 corporation that administers the funds of Operation Round Up®. It was founded in December of 2001 with the objective to provide assistance to area organizations and projects whose primary purpose is to improve the quality of life for residents in communities located within our service area. The Operation Round Up® program allows members to round their electric bill to the next dollar resulting in a participation rate of over 80% of our membership. All funds collected are used for grants and distributed to the following giving areas: health and human services, educational, community service projects, and catastrophic events. Carroll EMC provides all administrative assistance at no cost to the foundation. Trustees are appointed by the Carroll EMC Board of Directors to be good stewards of our members’ money. Since inception, over $4.9 million has been gifted back into the communities we serve.