
Founded in 1936, Carroll EMC came into existence to bring electricity to farmers and homeowners in rural, Western Georgia. The cooperative reincorporated its agricultural heritage in its business model with the biannual Agribusiness Seminar and student FFA Day and through its involvement in and support of agricultural organizations across the state.

Resources & Links

Agribusiness Seminars

The cooperative’s biannual Agribusiness Seminar is an educational opportunity for individuals to learn more about the presence of agriculture in local communities. The event brings awareness and appreciation to the agriculture industry in the state of Georgia. Carroll EMC understands the importance of farming to the health of the state and supports its continued growth.


Carroll EMC’s FFA Day has become a highly anticipated event for students each February. With a few hours out of class, they partake in informative sessions that are relevant to the agriculture industry. More than 300 local middle and high school agriculture students from FFA chapters in the cooperative’s service area attend each year.

Wiring Contests

The EMC/FFA Electrification Contest, part of the Georgia Department of Education’s Agricultural Education division, is organized through local FFA chapters and sponsored by the electric membership corporations of Georgia. The contest reinforces electrical wiring as taught in the vocational agriculture education program and expands the student’s grasp of electric energy and the role of the EMCs in Georgia’s energy future.

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